Regulation for the awarding of Czech Junior Champion title

  1. CAJC – Certificat d´Aptitude au Junior Championnat is awarded to dogs and bitches separately in junior class at international, national, special and club shows.
  2. CAJC can be awarded solely to a dog and a bitch which obtain the qualification „excellent 1“.
  3. CAJC can be awarded also to a dog or a bitch which already has got the title Czech Junior Champion.
  4. Only a judge who was properly delegated to the show can award CAJC.
  5. The CAJC title cannot be claimed and is awarded only to dogs or bitches with exceptional exterieur qualities.

Awarding of the Czech Junior Champion title is subject to the following conditions:

  1. Obtaining three Certificats d´Aptitude in the age of 9-24 months.
  2. At least two Certificats d´Aptitude must be obtained in the junior class (CAJC) and one Certificat d´Aptitude (CAC) can be obtained in open, working, intermediate or winners class. Once the CAC title is used for awarding of Czech Junior Champion title, it cannot then be used for awarding of Czech Champion title.
  3. The Certificats d´Aptitude must be obtained from at least two judges.
  4. The title Czech Junior Champion is awarded by ČMKU (Czech Canine Union) on the basis of documents submitted by the owner of the dog/bitch, i.e. certificate (card) from the show at which the Certificat d´Aptitude was obtained, the dog´s pedigree (foreign owners submit a photocopy of the pedigree) and a request from the dog´s owner.
  5. The title Czech Junior Champion does not entitle its holder to the entry into winners or champion classes.
  6. A Res. CAC cannot be used for awarding of the title Czech Junior Champion, even if the dog which has obtained the CAC already has got the title Czech Junior Champion or Czech Champion.

Approved by P ČMKU on 22.11.2001.
The regulation enters into force on 1.1.2002